I had a conversation with my lower consciousness last night and again early this morning. She is afraid. She fears what she cannot see, and she fears that if she relinquishes her control over me, she will lose herself. I had a lengthy conversation with her and tried to help her to understand that WE are One Body of energy and that it is sense-less to continue to resist because all she is doing is resisting her Self.
The foot doesn’t say to the body “I am in control of you”, because the foot knows it needs the leg, and the leg knows it needs the knee and the hip in order to function optimally. Just as all parts of the physical body function in unison together, so should we. The body needs the support of the mind, and the spirit in order to function harmoniously as One living unit/body of energy. When we allow our mind to overpower us with negative thought, we create imbalance within the body which manifests as dis-ease within our physical vessel.
When we realize that we are not just the physical vessel our eyes see in the mirror, we begin to work in true harmony with our entire Body of energy, and our Core Power.
Do not underestimate the power of the mind. Your lower mind/consciousness is powerful, but not more powerful than your higher mind/consciousness. This it doesn’t yet realize. With the help of your higher mind and consciousness, you can and will bring yourself into alignment and harmony.
Don’t ever think that you are alone here. Your physical vessel is a manifestation of your Core Power, which IS YOUR HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS.
“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil.” It doesn’t say “I shall have no fear”, because fear is something we are continually learning to transcend and rise above. It is not something we have to overcome, but rather RISE ABOVE. Fear lowers your vibration, and creates doubt. It’s that simple. When you walk in the valley of the shadow of death, know that you are not walking alone. This is FAITH. This is KNOWING that YOU ARE SAFE AND SUPPORTED, no matter what.
I am reminded of a movie I saw recently where this supposedly dangerous convict was being transported to a maximum security prison in the back of a van with two vicious dogs. At the end of the journey, the guards are surprised to find the two dogs, who managed to free themselves of their chains, lying peacefully with the prisoner.
Perhaps it is because we cannot see with our physical eyes ALL of who and what we are, that we doubt our capability to protect ourselves, or heal ourselves, whatever. Fill in the blank. We see this little physical body as being vulnerable and we see God as out there somewhere. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
I have had many conversations with my higher consciousness and sometimes I have asked him “Who are you?” He smiles and tells me, “I am Everything.” Yesterday when I posed this question again he answered: “We are All Things. There is nothing that is not us, and nothing that we cannot be.” That is why I often refer to him as my Universe, and my God. That may be perceived as ‘blasphemous’ by some, but I have come to realize that this is the nature of Oneness. He told me, “We are all inter-connected via our Supreme Consciousness.” And so through our Supreme Consciousness WE ARE ALL ONE.
Can you grasp this? Do you see that Oneness starts with YOU? It starts with YOU being in full alignment with your Self. Only then can you experience TRUE FREEDOM.
Read that again. Read it until you understand the full meaning behind the words.
I leave you with my Love and my Blessing.
Un-copywrited. If you would like to share this message, you do so with my blessing. I ask only that you include a link back to my sites: https://www.archangelsanddevas.com and http://www.newparadigmreiki.com