Many years ago, before I understood anything about how energy works, Michael guided me to a daily meditation practice to protect myself. I felt he wanted to me share this practice with you today. Some of you are having a difficult time with keeping it ‘together’ and this is because you are all over the place, literally. In the meditation, which is wonderfully guided, you will learn how to re-call your energy, and how to clear and protect your auric field, as well as how to ground yourself.
Every time you interact with someone, you are interacting with their energy, and you are leaving a small piece of yourself [your energy] with them. Bear in mind this is not intentional on your part, but it is happening anyway. Just by sending someone your love, you are sending them your energy. Some people you interact with may be looking for your energy just because it feels so good! Again, they are not doing this intentionally. The more light you’re holding these days, the more attractive your energy becomes to those same people. Having your energy scattered out there is also making you more vulnerable to other people’s negative energy. So if you’re feeling drained or vulnerable emotionally, or even if you feel like just closing yourself off from people for a while, it could be that you need to just re-call your energy.
The meditation will also show you how to clean your auric field and how to go about protecting it on a routine daily basis. This is important also, so make it your habit to do this every day. Until you are more in alignment with your Higher Self, you have to take the responsibility of keeping your auric field and energy intact and protected.
Another good practice is to cut all the energetic ties or cords that have become attached to you. So mentally add this intention also during the meditation. Simply intend to cut any attachments that have been made that are not for your highest good. It’s also a good idea to sever any vows that you made have made either intentionally or unintentionally, that are no longer serving your highest good.
Remember everything happens with intention. You only have to hold the intention to know it is being taken care of for you.
The meditation will also guide you to ground yourself daily which will help you to connect with Gaia and to the crystalline grid. This will help to keep your energy frequency level on a high. There is much negativity being released at the moment, so keep yourself protected in all ways! Know that Gaia is helping you too. Just by grounding your energy daily you are connecting with the highest incoming frequency of Light energy which is helping both yourself and Gaia.
You can find this Pleiadian Daily Meditation Practice on Solara An-Ra’s website here:
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
Love & Blessings!
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