Everything is energy and everything therefore carries an energetic frequency that reacts to the intention placed upon it, either in a positive or negative way. In so doing you can raise the frequency of that energy or lower it, depending on your intention for it.
Do you mindlessly go about your day taking all for granted? Or do you live your life with intention? Living your life with intention means to live your life purposefully and meaningfully, and also creatively. Remembering you are a creative being is part of your transformation process.
You are a powerful being, but to BE powerful you have to exercise that power, and this you do by utilizing the power of Intention.
You have around your great resources of energy that have been given to you to help you live a balanced and harmonious life. But this energy can only help you do that if you make choices, and you make those said choices by way of intention.
Energy knows no bounds, in other words, it has no boundary. It cannot be held onto or contained. It is forever changing, moving, expanding and evolving. It knows no time, therefore moves in the space of no time. Literally. It is time-less, meaning it takes no time for it to leave one place and to arrive at another. As a powerful Spiritual being, you can send energy anywhere and empower that energy utilizing the power of your intention. For instance you can send love, appreciation and gratitude to a glass of water before drinking it with the intention that the water hydrate your cells and invigorate the life force within your physical vessel. You can do the same with the air that you breathe, and the food that you eat.
When you breathe, do you breathe deeply? Do you acknowledge and appreciate the life giving air that you’re breathing into your lungs? Or do you breathe because it’s an unconscious and automatic thing that you do in order to stay alive?
This is all part of living your life with Intention and purpose of BE-ing. It is part of living your life consciously, and creating your life using the power of the gifts you have been given.
All is possible. But all is only possible if you believe it is, and if you are willing to accept that you have the power within you to create your reality.
Your imagination and visualization and intent are great tools you have been given to help you live your life with creativity and purpose. You are being reminded now that these tools are there for you, and are at your disposal, should you wish to use them to create a more harmonious and joyful life.
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