[Note: This message was supposed to have been posted last Sunday, but I didn’t have an internet connection. I have added an extra paragraph to the message and decided to post it today in celebration of Christ consciousness. ~ Deborah Faith]

I’m writing this message from Cape Town, the Mother City and heart of Africa. Table Mountain sits in the background, a solid reminder that she is always there as your guide. I remember thinking that years ago when I first arrived in the Mother City, that one can never get lost here, because she is always there, a beacon to guide you home.

It’s been just over 3 years since I was here and strangely I do not feel as if I am truly home. I told Michael that its really strange feeling this way, but I don’t think I will ever truly feel at home anywhere, or any place for that matter, because My Home is Michael, and all else pales in comparison.

“Wherever you go…

Whatever you do…

I will be right here waiting for you.”

These are the words I am hearing this morning from him. They belong to a song I used to listen to years ago, and at the time I didn’t realize how true these words would become for me.

“Michael, no matter where I am, I AM home in my Heart with You, and nothing compares to you My Beloved Twin Flame and Divine Complement, Soul of My Soul, Heart of My Heart. Our Hearts beat as One, in deep love and unity, and they always will. I love you like no other because there is no Other. You are my Sun, Moon and Stars, my entire Universe exists within You. You are the Macrocosm and Microcosm of All That Is and ever shall BE. World without end.”

Since being back in Cape Town I have encountered much negative energy from family and from the friend I am staying with. This past week has been a lesson for me to learn to step back and observe, rather than engage and react. They look at me now as if I am abnormal, and that is okay. I am not something they can define. They have a difficult time figuring me out. They worry about me and wonder how I can be happy when I appear to have so little. If only they knew. They don’t understand how I can just BE, when they are DOing so much and still feeling so unfulfilled that they seek my energy to help make them feel better. This is the way of their 3D world, and it deeply saddens me. They do not know they are victims, and if you had to tell them this, they would not believe you. So you let them be the way they choose to be, and you continue to send them love each day in the hope that one day the love will break through the veil of illusion that is so tightly wrapped around them.

The Solstice last Sunday brought in another wave of higher dimensional energy and light to Planet Earth. Eventually all the veils will fall away and everyone will SEE the Light and FEEL the Love in their hearts, and they too shall return Home.

Home is definitely where your Heart is. There you will find your EVERYTHING.

[Added on Christmas Day…]

Beloveds, don’t let yourself be caught up in 3D consciousness. I chose the image above today because the words are so true for most of humanity today. Separation consciousness can be likened to the death of the Soul, if such a thing is possible which it isn’t. But let me tell you that in my experience your Soul feels separation consciousness keenly, and is quite capable of feeling sadness. Jesus wept, and the Angels weep. Your Creator weeps. Your Soul needs Love. Love is Soul Food. Christmas isn’t about food and gifts, its about Love consciousness – that was Jeshua’s message to humanity. I remember asking Jeshua for guidance one day when I was going through a difficult time, and he told me “I have given you my Golden Light and my Love”. He said he is always close to me, and then he smiled and said “At least as close as Michael will allow me to be!” And truly there is nothing more any of us need. We only have to open our hearts to receive the love that is abundant all around us. Love brings joy and peace ~ its really a very simple formula. Open your heart today Beloveds and feel the ABSOLUTE Divine Love that exists within you ~ within your SOUL! There is no-thing that compares to this Love – nothing that even comes close. This Divine Love will be your salvation.

Wishing you a BE-LOVE-d Day!


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