Last week we wrote about frequency. But there is something we want to make sure you understand : Divine Love IS FREQUENCY. The more LOVE you incorporate or integrate into your Being, the higher your frequency and the more blissful your life becomes. How do you do this? Firstly, by deciding to love yourself unconditionally and secondly, by moving your focus and awareness into your Heart center and thirdly, by forming a Sacred and Divine Partnership with your Higher Self and Consciousness – that part of YOU which Michael has called your Core Power.

Loving yourself unconditionally means you have to let go of all you thought you were, and accept and love all you are NOW in this moment. Not next week once you have lost that extra kilo, but right now, with the grey hair and the wrinkles! You have to let go of all the blame, guilt and shame you have accumulated and stored away in that special compartment in your mind labeled “To be dealt with later…” There is no ‘later’, there is only NOW, and in THIS NOW, you are creating your NEXT NOW which some of you will relate to as your ‘tomorrow’.

You have to release all expectation of yourself, and you have to stop TRYING to figure things out for yourself. Remember that YOU are not just this physical expression of yourself, rather YOU are a magnificent and awesomely powerful SPIRITUAL BEING! This is who you are, your TRUE SELF. When you doubt yourself, you’re not only doubting the YOU you’re seeing in the mirror daily, but your awesome and powerful True Self. The same goes for blame, shame, expectation etc…

Having FAITH is KNOWING that ALL is being taken care of. YOU do NOT have to know the details. If you are constantly looking at the HOW’s, then you have to learn to let go of this need of having to have control.

While we’re on the subject of Faith, let’s quickly talk about manifesting. Faith IS knowing that what you have asked for is on its way. I just want to say here that it is YOU that controls the speed of your manifestation, only YOU! It’s your foot on the pedal. Your doubts and fears are roadblocks. Think of it this way. Would you doubt God? No? I didn’t think so…. So please stop doubting yourself. There really is no difference.

Are we always releasing? Yes we are! Until we are firmly and undoubtedly grounded and maintaining constant awareness of living a 5th dimensional experience of joy, harmony and bliss, we are still releasing. It is only our discordant energy that keeps us in a lower frequency. Have patience with yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Someone used to say to me many years ago “Slowly, slowly…”, and it used to drive me insane because I wanted it all over and done with yesterday! Learning patience and developing a working relationship WITH your DIVINE SELF in Sacred Partnership, is something that doesn’t happen overnight, so give yourself a break! Don’t be so hard on yourself. This transition is not easy, and there is much happening ‘behind the scene’ or in the background that you are not aware of. Again TRUST is imperative here.

Sometimes people say to me “There’s only so much Spirit can do for me because this is my life and I have to make my own choices.” Wrong. But then again, it’s your choice. Spirit can only help you as much as you’re ALLOWING… Think about that. I have said over and over through various blogged messages: “There is NOTHING, NO THING that Spirit cannot do for you when you’re in Divine Partnership with SELF.

Michael has often said to me “Just FEEL. Don’t think, just FEEL.” When you’re thinking, you’re not living in the PRESENT, therefore you’re not in your heart. Your Soul and your heart is ALWAYS in the present moment. It’s always in the NOW. There is only this moment of NOW. And incidentally, when you’re in the PRESENT, your EGO cannot thwart you. This is blissful!

Move your awareness now into your Heart center. Do you see the Golden Door there? It says “To my HIGHER POWER”. Open it, and go within. ThereIN you will find all you have ever needed and the answers to ALL your questions. ThereIN you will find YOUR Universe. The paradox here is when you reach this level of consciousness, you will realize there is nothing you need anymore. Nothing you have ever needed. You will realize that NEED is the one illusion that has most of humanity trapped in victimhood. You never did need anything….. except LOVE. And the LOVE is waiting there for you right now through that door in your Heart.

Go on…. open it, and go within.


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