I was visiting my dear Mother the other day and she had her gardener there. She complained that something had been eating one of her plants and she was very unhappy about it. And so it happened that the gardener found a great big fat caterpillar in the plant. She was delighted the culprit had been found. She said she’d never seen such a huge big fat caterpillar before. I was thinking “Great! He’ll make a magnificent butterfly one day!” I asked her what the gardener would do with it now. She answered “Flatten it of course!” I was silently horrified, but managed not to say anything in response.

Since moving into my new home I’ve been having problems with bugs myself. Michael promises me every day that they will not touch me, but I prefer that they stay outside and not invade my home. And so it happens that one of them ended up in the toilet bowl this morning. As I got back into bed I heard him reminding me again about Resistance. Capital ‘R’ – yes, because it is the root cause of much of our suffering.

Understanding the lesson

Everything you’re resisting in life will keep coming back to you in one form or another, giving you another opportunity to release the resistance.

Look at what you’re having problems with. A problem is just another form of resistance to something. Look at what is causing the resistance. 99.9% of the time it is fear based.

Thus the saying “What you resist persists. What you look at disappears.”

Everything in life works in Unity (Oneness) in order to get this lesson across. Until we can fully release all our resistance, we cannot ever truly move forward – or upward into the higher realms of consciousness.

We are ALL a part of life, as is EVERYTHING. Life IS the Supreme Consciousness (call this ‘God’ if you like) that creates all things, and this consciousness is based in LOVE. IT IS LOVE.

So now it makes sense that when you act from your lower consciousness, which doesn’t yet FULLY understand this concept, that the lesson will keep returning to you over and over again until you ‘get it’.

Understand that this is not to ‘punish’ you, rather to help you overcome the lower energy of the resistance so that you can become FREE of it once and for all.

All resistance must be overcome before we can fully transcend our lower consciousness, therefore embrace your problems and ask yourself why you are having them. What is it you’re resisting?

No surprise then that my dear old Mother is constantly having problems with critters in her garden. She told us she is wanting to plant lettuces, but doesn’t know how she will keep the snails away from them. Dilemma upon dilemma…

The thought occurred to me yesterday that nothing here is ours for the taking. ‘Taking’ is the HUMAN WAY. We are to respect ALL LIFE, even the humble lettuce, and yes even the pesky little mosquito. They are a part of YOU and I. There is nothing we are not. This is something Michael has told me over and over again. If you can understand this lesson, you are well on your way to Mastery.

Give Thanks – BE in Gratitude – to Mother Nature, to Gaia, to the Universe – they are a part of YOU also. The lesson delves deeper and deeper into our Consciousness, but for now, this message says enough.

There is a wonderful saying that goes like this “Live and Let Live”.


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