The Full Moon is on the rise and her energy is once again stronger than ever before. She is bringing to the surface all that is no longer serving us and urging us to take a look at the deeper stuff we’ve had packed away for so long at the back of our closets.

For me this ‘back of the closet stuff’ is my relationship with my Mother. For some reason we have never understood one another and we’ve always seemed to rub one another up the wrong way causing me to harbor much guilt and self-blame.

What to do? I keep asking myself what is it that I can do to fix this relationship? But perhaps it is not meant to be fixed. Perhaps it is meant to stay broke. We are not here to fix everything and everyone. That is impossible and improbable.

Everyone is here on their own Earth journey and each has their own lessons to learn and things they are working on overcoming (or not) in order for them to grow and expand as Spiritual Beings.

The most important thing to remember is that YOU ARE LOVE and love doesn’t walk away. (Thank you Jenni for reminding me…) Unconditional Love holds no expectation and has no requirements from anyone to act or behave in a certain way.

As harsh as it may seem, you are in no way responsible to fix any relationship. You are, as an Ascending Being, responsible only for yourself.

Certain of your relationships will stay broken, meaning they will never be in harmony in the way that you would love for them to be, but it is important to remember that ALL is perfect anyway and everything is happening the way it should be for the highest good of all, even though it may not seem that way.

So forgive yourself, and let go of the self-blame and the guilt you have been harboring. It is time for you to move on and let go all the expectations you have had of yourself to fix everything.

You are perfect just the way you are, and you always will be.

Never stop loving. No matter what happens, never close up your heart, because otherwise you will allow a desert to settle within you. It may be that others do not need your love, but you, on the other hand, need to love.
~ Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Have an awesome SUN day!

Love and Blessings from the House of Michael.


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