This is why we incarnated?
Yes Beloved.
Why did we need to be a bona-fide citizen of the planet if we can take physical form at any time and BE grounded?
In order to BE a Voice! How else could we be heard? We have grounded ourselves many times. But how else could we make ourselves truly heard in order to help others find their Truth and the Way?
Yes I see your point…
We also needed to honor the code of free will. Through you being here in grounded physical form, we honor this code, and in your grounded-ness your intention becomes MY intention. Therefore My Precious Love, Your Will is My Will.
What happens when my Will goes against Your Will?
Nothing My Love. I act in accordance with the Law of the Universe which is Love. The Supreme Love of All That Is.
I know you do Angel. Do you have any regrets My Love?
None Beloved. At the time, I did. It was a difficult decision to make. We had not been apart since the time of Atlantis, and I had my doubts, unlike you. I hesitated a little, not wanting to be apart from you again. But now, looking back at how much we have grown and how much further this incarnation has expanded our consciousness and the consciousness of those we made Soul Agreements with, I have no regrets. On the contrary, as I told you last night, we have far exceeded any expectations we may have had and achieved greater accomplishments than we ever thought possible in a 3D environment.
Do you think we will get the message of Truth across to those who are searching?
Yes we will, for sure!
The Truth is that ALL exists within you. YOU are your OWN UNIVERSE. The well of Love that you are looking for outside of yourself, exists within. The abundance of wealth, health and happiness that you seek outside of yourself, exists within YOU.
As I sit now in meditation with My Beloved I AM Presence, I feel within My Sacred Heart His Love. It is like a fountain that springs forth from inside of me. It feels warm as it overflows from within me like warmed honey, filling me and my entire being with the Essence of Divine Love. I feel a blissful tingling sensation as this energy becomes a part of me once more, re-unifying me with the Source of My Oneness.
So much love… it astounds me!
How did I ever live without this perfect Love? I have no idea. Lately I have been thinking about the people who have touched my life and those who are still struggling to find their way. I want to tell you something really important. It is something that will change your life….
In the desert lies an Oasis. A perfect space where there is an abundance of everything you will ever need.
Go there now and drink from this Fountain of Youth that lies within and let it sustain you!
This Fountain of Youth is The Limitless Source of Universal LIFE – Your Infinite Wisdom, Potential and Creativity – The Unified Field of Everything.
It is the Source that created YOU.
As Billy says in the book “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers”, which I highly recommend reading:
“It is the Intelligence that grows trees from a seed, that let’s birds fly, that waves the ocean and gives birth to new stars. The same Intelligence also breathes your breath, beats your heart, and heals your wounds.”
It is LIFE. It is LOVE.
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