Part of your ascension process and transcendence to higher states of consciousness and BE-ing involves your health and detoxing your physical vessel of all that which is not good. All of your physical dis-comforts, symptoms and manifestations can be attributed to this.

All of your life you have been eating foods that contain pesticides and chemicals of some nature, and you have been using on your body (skin) products that contain the same. It is time to make changes and to become conscious (aware / mindful) of your actions.

Pesticides, chemicals, additives, preservatives, colorants, medications etc., cause imbalance in the body. All these, and the processes by which they are obtained and/or manufactured/produced, cause acidity in the body. Most (if not all) dis-ease / dis-comfort is caused by this imbalance.

Therefore it is a good idea to make the change over to a more natural and organic way of life.

Many are still deciding whether or not to eat non-GMO foods and non-organically produced foods and that is okay. When you are ready to change, you will know. By the same token if you still living in “I can’t” consciousness then you are more than likely not ready to make this change. There is no rush. Remember there is no right and no wrong – only what works for you and what doesn’t.

Just bear in mind that Gaia is also affected by everything you do and the choices you make as a human being. In fact, not just Gaia, but every living thing that is embodied here on Earth. This is what is referred to as ‘The Collective Consciousness’.

From the tiniest micro organism that exists in the soil to the greatest Star Systems and Galaxies that make up the vast Universe/s – the Micro/Macro aspect of Creation – ALL is made up of the same stuff. ENERGY. What affects one aspect (part) of your Self, affects ANother. In fact THERE IS NO OTHER. All exists within you. All is the One.

All of Life has its purpose, and all of LIFE exists in order to experience ITSELF AS LOVE.

I have said that once you can see the Universe in a grain of sand, you would have achieved Mastery.

The Universe will continue to support you and the choices you make. Everything is energy. Every cause has its affect. This is the way of Life.

We can go into this in more detail, but for now I wish to leave you with this thought. We are not here to tell you what to do, rather to remind you who you are.

Go within and seek your own Truth. You are always being guided, and you are loved beyond anything you can currently comprehend.


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