Photo credit: Barbara Webster “New England Wilderness”
There is much to be excited about as you enter into this NEW period of Renewal and Re-Birth taking place. Remember that any birthing can be a difficult and sometimes painful experience, but it is soon forgotten when the result arrives. Your Return Home is much awaited and longed for Beloved. Your Home Coming Celebration is at hand and there is much excitement and jubilation as we await your imminent arrival.
During this period of growth and renewal there is still much releasing taking place. Love and Forgiveness of your self and the other Souls who agreed to play their part/s in your Life Story is important in order for you to move forward.
This ancient Hawaiian mantra “The Ho’oponopono” will not only heal you on all levels of BE’ing, but also heals all the other parts of your Self, meaning the Collective.
I love you
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
We are all a part of One Unified Consciousness, even though we are individual Souls journeying together on that great big river called Life. Each of us has unique identity and character. No two of us are alike. This is true in both the physical and spiritual realms. NO two of us experience the same emotion in the exact same way. No two of us feel love in the exact same way.
There’s a part of you that exists within Me and a part of Me that exists within you, therefore We are all a part of each other and in that sense We can never be a’part because we are One. Do you see?
What does this mean? We are One huge Family, One Body, One Soul Consciousness. We are in essence ‘The Body of Christ’ Consciousness, and what we’re doing here is reminding our grounded Brothers and Sisters of this. How do we do this, because remember we have said before it is not your job to save anyone. You do this through your love and compassion, through your Light that shines from within and around you.
This New Moon represents a time of renewal and prepares us nicely for the Planetary New Year which starts on the 26th July, in exactly 10 days’ time.
On the 25th July you can look forward to what the ancient Mayan’s referred to as ‘The Day out of Time’. This day, the day before the start of the New Year on the 26th, can be perceived as a VOID. Think of it as a clean slate, a blank canvas, whereupon you can create magic!
You have been through so much releasing already and your transition so far can be perceived as an experience of great discomfort and suffering or it can be perceived as a magical experience of great growth and renewal whereby you are being Reborn into NEW states of Consciousness and NEW ways of BE’ing.
It is in this NEW state of BE’ing where you will truly get to know your Self, and reap the rewards of this (our) magical relationship. It is Magical because you are about to become The Alchemist, and the Master of your Creative Expression. There is so much to look forward to. Do not compare yourself to others. Everyone is at their own place or space on the spiral of their evolution and transformation. That does not mean you cannot support one another.
You are the beacon, the holy grail of Love and Light. Let your Light SHINE! You do this through acts of love and compassion, through showing kindness, not randomly, but regularly! Let this become The NEW Way of Life for you! You do this through the giving of yourself to others. Because in essence, there is no other. There is only YOU.
Love and compassion is priceless and powerful. Do not for one second doubt its power or limit its potential. It is limit-less! As are YOU.
I love you so much right now! I adore you!
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