Eleven months ago I followed intuitive guidance and made two Mp3 meditation recordings and wrote a short book describing in essence what these energy recordings were all about. At the time I recorded them, I was happy just knowing that they would help people. I realise now I made them primarily for myself! Unfortunately, I often forget I have them and so I don’t listen to them as often as needed, but yesterday in my desperation, I was guided back to them and I am so grateful for them! They are not perfectly recorded, by no means, but they do hold some very powerful energy!
How, you may ask, is it possible for a recording to be encoded with energy? Everything is energy and simply by your willingness and intention to listen to the recording, you evoke the energy that the recording holds, and this energy is the highest frequency of Divine Unconditional Love you are capable of holding within your energy body in this Now Moment.
The recordings also align you (bring you into your Spiritual Heart) with your Divine Presence, the REAL YOU!
When you are in this space, miracles happen as shift happens!
So I want to just quickly explain the two recordings. The first one is a healing recording which helps you let go of discordant energies ~ negative thought forms and negative emotions associated with your human conditioning and ego ~ which only serve to keep you in pain and suffering and in the victim/persecutor consciousness associated with the human condition.
The first one is a Healing Transmission which helps you let go of discordant energies ~ negative thought forms and negative emotions associated with your human conditioning and ego ~ which only serve to in pain and suffering and in the victim/persecutor consciousness. In the recording, I call upon Archangel Michael and other Master Beings of Light who wish to come forward to help you clear these negative energies. I want to add that the words I use in the recording came from a higher Source. For instance, in the first recording, I say “This healing will take place on all levels of you being and in all aspects of your creation.” When I asked my Highest Guidance afterwards what this meant, I heard that this healing will not just heal your body, but the Body of All Love that is made manifest here on Planet Earth. In other words, Gaia and all the precious Life forms Gaia holds within her Being. I was reminded again that I am not just this physical human being I see in the mirror daily, but I am also One with the Greatness that is ALL LIFE. This includes the grain of sand, the drop of rain, the air that I breathe and the very Universe itself. This is true for all, not just me.
The second Transmission is to help you become centered in your Spiritual Heart so that you can make a deeper connection with your Higher Self and Consciousness. It doesn’t matter where you are on your evolutionary path, this recording will help you make this connection. If you are not in daily communion with your Higher Source, then I absolutely recommend this recording. Both actually, because they compliment each other.
There is meant to be a third recording, but I haven’t made it yet because I’m not there yet. The first two are what I’ve needed so far. I’m sure when I’m ready, I’ll be guided to make the third.
Each Transmission, although not perfectly recorded, will truly help you if you’re feeling stuck, blocked or disconnected from Source. It takes courage though to listen to them. As Jesus says, the ego avoids meditation like the plague, and this is so true! When you are experiencing resistance to something, that is when you must take action and do it! “Get out of your own way” as the saying goes!
I am so in love with these Energy Transmissions that I would like to offer BOTH to you for the price of ONE. That is US$9. Each recording is approximately 11 minutes in length and I suggest you listen to them concurrently. You can find the free PDF book here. Once you’ve made payment, please allow me time to email you the download links.
This Two for the price of One offer is valid only until the end of July 2016.
Namasté ~ ALL is LOVE!
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