Many people on a journey of transformation have difficulty maintaining Mind / Body balance and therefore experience resistance to the changes occurring within them.

Resistance most often is felt within the physical body as pain and discomfort. This is the physical body’s way of trying to gain the person’s attention to the misalignment which is occurring between Body / Mind and Spirit.

When this is the case, the person experiences constant random thoughts and ‘mind chatter’ that is the result of the dominant ego driven mind.

This can become quite disconcerting for people who are on a journey of transformation as it becomes near impossible to sit in silent meditation with your Higher Self and Source energy to maintain Divine Presence.

So we guide you today on how to remedy this imbalance:

Take 5 minutes now to go within your Body. Notice how your body FEELS. Place your attention and focus inward and just BE in this NOW moment. Allow yourself to FEEL rather than think. Do not focus your attention on anything in particular. Take several deep breaths and notice how the breath feels inside your body. If you are experiencing any discomfort, just notice this. Do not judge it, do not think about it, do not dwell upon it, just notice it. Continue to breathe deeply. The breath is PRANA – Life Force energy. Continue to FEEL and NOTICE – become AWARE of sounds etc. Soon you will FEEL your Soul Presence within your High Heart.

Continue practicing this simple exercise and you will achieve a greater sense of balance between Body and Mind.

Know also that Presence, which is governed by the Soul, observes and notices.  It is the ego that reacts and most often wants to ‘have its say’ in order to feel important. People who are living a life based in ego will be critical and judgmental, and will be fooled into thinking they are hearing their guides when most often they are listening to their very own ego driven mind and none other.

True guidance comes from within your BODY and you will only ‘hear’ this Divine guidance when you are in Presence.  This guidance will always be unconditionally loving, kind and compassionate.

Infinite Love and Blessings!