Thank you to the creator of this most beautiful Prayer.

Unconditional love holds the Master Key to your Ascension!

This past week has seen us releasing and clearing the ‘Mother Lode’ again Dear Hearts! But know that all is well! Some of you have been experiencing uncomfortable physical symptoms as the dissonant energies are released and cleared through your physical vessels.

Know that your Higher Self and I AM Presence is always in control and knows exactly how much your physical vessel can withstand at any one given moment. You are not alone, not for one moment! Therefore Trust this fact (with a capital T) and do not let yourselves become drawn into fear and doubt as this only serves to strengthen any resistance you may still be holding within your energy field.

Unconditional love holds the Master Key to your Ascension.

Therefore the Key to fear is unconditional love, Dear Ones. When you find your consciousness has shifted into the lower octaves of the 3rd and lower 4th Dimensions, remember to express unconditional love towards yourself and your consciousness and vibration will instantly rise.

The same is true when your consciousness begins moving into sub-planes of the 5th Dimension and beyond. Unconditional love will always keep your consciousness steadfast in the higher frequencies of Light.

Unconditional love is ONLY the antidote to fear Dear Ones!

All suffering is fear based and unconditional love is only the antidote to fear! What is not of love and loving is fear based. Therefore all negative and dissonant energy is fear based.

We guide you to surround yourselves in a tunnel of pure white Diamond Light at all times Dear Hearts. This all encompassing and infinitely intelligent Light will ensure you are protected at all times whilst you move between the sub-planes of the 3rd and 4th Dimensions.

Remember if you are feeling any dissonant and discordant energies, it is because this energy exists within your energy field and your feelings are serving as a reminder for you to release and clear these energies. Once cleared you will no longer be affected by the discordant energy of others. There will no longer be a resonance of that same energy within your energy field to trigger those feelings and emotions within your Body. You will instead feel a deep sense of compassion for the suffering of others and your compassion will serve as a reminder for you to send unconditional love to everyone and everything around you.

When you express unconditional love towards Self and Others, unconditional love is returned in waves to you from the Great Cosmic Heart of All Creation. Unconditional love serves to raise your vibration and increase your consciousness and indeed improve your physical reality in ways that will astound you!

We have much to look forward to in the coming weeks. As the incoming light frequencies are lifted higher they become stronger, so remember to remain steadfast in your Sacred Heart Beloveds.

You are not alone, not for one moment! Gift your Self with this knowing Dear Hearts. There is nothing to be afraid of. Nothing bad can ever happen to you whilst you are living within your Sacred Heart.

Therefore let Love guide you and lead the way forward. Always remember unconditional love!

We leave you with our blessing and our deepest unconditional love for a most magical week ahead.


Note: You are welcome to share our message. All we ask is that you please include these links:


A Reiki attunement is an initiation into a sacred, metaphysical order, which has been present on earth for thousands of years. By receiving an attunement, you will become part of a group of people who are using Reiki to heal themselves and each other, and who are working together to heal the Earth. By becoming part of this group, you will also be receiving help from the Reiki guides and other spiritual beings, who are also working toward these goals.

The primary intention behind New Paradigm Reiki is to practice a form of Reiki that is less ritualistic in its approach to healing. It is for those wanting to work as Healers to attain higher levels of consciousness as Emissaries of the Light in their service work with humankind and the Planetary Body of Gaia.

Contact me if you are interested in becoming attuned to this ancient healing modality ~
For more information on Reiki attunements please visit: