A Happy Mothers Day to You!

A very happy Mothers Day to all the women out there and all the mothers, whether they be of the furry kind or otherwise. The embodiment of the Divine Feminine is in every part of life, whether we realize this or not.

It is not only those who have given birth in this lifetime who embody the Feminine Spirit. YOU are a Mother!

Even if you don’t think of yourself as a mother, you are, deep inside of you the nurturing Mother Spirit is there! Who hasn’t cuddled a tiny baby bird or puppy, or a new-born child in their arms and hasn’t felt the deep stirring of a Mother’s love within?

The Mother / Goddess / Feminine Spirit is deeply loving, nurturing, caring and protective, and these are qualities that all of us hold deep within us, even the Father / God / Masculine energy holds these qualities!

So celebrate today! Celebrate these divine qualities within you. Celebrate them every day! These are in Essence who you are.

We love you and wish you a divinely peaceful and loving day!
