Sunday Musings ~ Into The Heart of Camelot

A couple years back when I was still living in Mexico, and I was new to energy work, Michael and I used to play a silly game whenever I found myself feeling ‘left out in the cold’ meaning anxious, worried, fearful etc.

I would suddenly realize I had slipped into my lower human consciousness by the terrible thoughts and emotions I was feeling.  I would then visualize myself banging on this ornately carved heavy wooden door – the door to Camelot. I would call out:

“Michael! Michael! I’ve come back! Please let me in!”

He would answer, “Princess is that you?? I was about to send out a search party for you! Where have you been?”

And I would say, “Outside in the dark! Oh Michael, its terrible out here, the fields are barren and I’m so cold!”

He would swing open the door saying, “Come inside quickly and let me warm you up!” And I would sigh in relief, and imagine myself being held in enormous arms of love that warmed the cockles of my heart!

How silly we sometime act as humans! We are now at a point in our evolution where we can clearly FEEL and discern when we have slipped into the lower octaves of our consciousness. We know ourselves now as multi-dimensional beings and yet we still allow ourselves to believe we are powerless to changing the way we’re feeling. When we clearly do not FEEL so great, frightened or anxious about something, it means we have slipped out of the mainstream energy that is the Source of Light within us. To get back into the Source of All we have to RAISE our frequency into the higher octaves of Light!

To raise our frequency takes conscious action and sometimes all it takes is just a few moments in silence to go into our body – our heart center – and invoke in the Light.

Develop a mantra that works for you. For example, “I am Love, Love, Love. I am Light, Light, Light!” works for me.

A couple days ago Michael brought to my attention how to discern when I’m in the flow of Creation, and when I’m not. When you’re in the flow, you can feel the higher frequency energy flow through noticing/listening to your body ‘language’, for instance you may feel warmth, or skin prickles or pulsations of energy moving through you. Everyone is different, so test it for yourself. When you’re not in the flow, you feel kind of flat, and once you’ve developed this discernment, you will immediately feel the difference and take action to keep yourself in the higher frequencies of Light.

Beings who have mastered living in the higher octaves of Light consciously work together in unity to maintain this higher level. It doesn’t come by itself. It takes conscious creation to BE in the Flow or what I have now come to think of as BE-ing in the Flames of Precipitation and Freedom. We have to FEED the Flame within us!

Try it. Go inside your body and call into your energy, through the power of your I AM, the Flames of Precipitation and Freedom, and prepare to BE amazed.

I challenge you to try this. Please leave me a comment below to let me know how this energy feels for you.

Precipitation is the Flame of Abundance and Wealth, as well as Happiness, Joy and Universal Christ consciousness, and forms part of the action of the Green Ray of Light, and Freedom forms part of the action of the Violet Ray – the 7th Ray, so if you want to use colors in your visualization of these Flames then you would use green and purple. The crystal I feel compliments these flames perfectly is Fluorite with its luminescent sea green with veins of purple running through it. Read more about Crystals HERE.

I love you and bless you! Have an awesome week ahead. Don’t forget our Full Moon Workshop this coming Tuesday. The Full Moon is traditionally the best time for setting the energy in motion for manifesting desires because of its Luminosity – so check out the link in the menu above if you’re interested in joining us.

Namasté ~ Always and Forever More and More Love!

~ Deborah Faith

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