Image Sourced on Pixabay – Photo by James Wheeler ~ Archangel Michael’s Spiritual Retreat at Lake Louise in Banff, Alberta Canada.
Dear Readers,
Last night’s New Moon brought a powerful shift in energy, the benefits thereof will only truly be felt after the full integration of the Solstice energy which is upcoming next week Tuesday/Wednesday 20th and 21st June. You may have felt off balance, and unable to focus and even meditate. For some the energy was felt mostly in the cranial, and at the base of the skull, causing mild headaches, jittery and anxious feelings, to say the least. Stomach bloating, cramps etc., was also experienced by some.
At times like these it is important not to judge ourselves, and just let go, allowing the energy to flow in – staying OPEN and in a state of gratitude for what is being received.
Also be really careful of what you eat, as the digestive system takes enormous strain if rich and heavy foods are ingested. Always choose the lightest and freshest of foods, those that have the higher LIFE FORCE energy. Ingesting ‘naughty’ foods may bring temporary gratification, but the effects will be felt during the night as this is the time your physical body is needing to adjust itself to the influx of higher frequency energy. Avoid eating late in the day as well if possible. “All in moderation” is the message from Archangel Michael. 🙂
As the Masters say, we are in a profound time when we are gifted the opportunity to shift our consciousness into higher states of awareness and actually ascend! Previously this took many many lifetimes to achieve, but we are being allowed to achieve this NOW! In this present lifetime. That’s as good as it gets folks! Worth a little physical and emotional discomfort don’t you think?
But the truth of the matter is, we don’t have to suffer any discomfort if we TUNE ourselves into our Spiritual Source, where all is love. Archangel Chamuel, the Angel of Love, comes forth to guide us into Peace and a sense of inner tranquility.
The Flame of Love has the Power to transform anything. Take a moment to close your eyes and to visualize this wondrous flame come in through and around you now. Breathe it in, and allow it to fill you with Peace and Love. This is the gift of your Being. A gift of True Love, of the Essence Itself.
All is within. All is love.

Note: If you would like to share this message, you do so with our blessing, but please do not change anything. We ask also that you please include the following links: