Beloved we have entered a new time cycle since the “Day out of Time” which took place last week on Wednesday. The first day of the Planetary and Galactic New Year on Thursday also signified the opening of the 8.8. Lions Gate portal, in which huge influxes of energy was felt and integrated on the Blood Full Moon & Eclipse on Friday. In fact, this integration is still taking place.
We are now fully in the wake of the huge boost of energy which will have the effect of setting us up on a new course of action and ‘feeling’ about who we/you are as an Earthly / Spiritual Body. In your awareness you may be feeling as though a huge shift has taken place and you may not yet fully understand what that shift means going forward, but give yourself time to receive the revelation, the unfolding of that. We, your Higher Self and Oversoul group Body are helping you to prepare for what lies ahead. Trust this is so.
You are now also aware, more so now than ever before, that you are a multi-level being, even in the physical realm, there exists many dimensions/levels on which you exist. Therefore be patient with the part of you that may still be in trepidation, and send your love there to provide yourself with a sense of safety.
Remaining in your power center – in the present NOW – is imperative, as you will want to be tuned in at all times to hear your inner voice, or your silent voice to be more precise, which speaks through FEELING, and not much through actual words which can end up being misconstrued. FEELINGS are the language of the Soul, and are linked to an inner KNOWING that this is true.
Everyone is unique and while many others are experiencing much of the same as far as energetic ‘symptoms’ go, where you are on your personal journey cannot be quantified by the experiences of another, and provide at most a guideline.
We wish to assure you, more now than ever, that we, your Body of Light, are supporting you in every possible way. Be assured that soon you will begin to experience the full effect of the shift that has and continues to take place in your energetic matrix.
We are excited beyond words for what this means for you on a personal and physical level, and we wait with bated breath ‘in the sidelines’ so to speak, but not far mind you.
We are ever so near! Nearer than ever before! Stay close to us by remaining in your center so you can feel our presence and support more aptly and tangibly.
We love you so very much!
Note: If you would like to share this message, you do so with our blessing, but please do not change anything. We ask also that you please include the following links:
Angel Card Readings:
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Receive a Healing Blessing from the Seraphim Angels :
Receive Reiki Healing energy from the Archangels and Ascended Masters :