Beloved Readers,

I recently found a book in my library called Kisses From Katie, and it’s about a young woman who felt called to do missionary work in Uganda, mid Africa. Initially Katie was inspired to spend a few weeks over her school break in Uganda. More than 10 years later, Katie is still in Uganda. Her story is one that has inspired new hope, faith, love and compassion in the hearts of many.

Through the NPO Amazima she established and built over in Uganda, she has managed accomplish what no other young person ever has to my knowledge. She continues to walk (and walk her talk) in the Way of the Christ, in the path of selflessness through her deep love and devotion to Jesus, who performs miracles through her.

I encourage you to support Katie’s work in the hope that she will continue to BE a beacon of Divine Love.

Katie ‘s second book, Daring to Hope, will have you crying tears of joy, sorrow and shared pain, and bring you even closer to her and your own Self-less Heart.

Through her books she is raising awareness in the hearts of many and opening doorways of love through compassion and mercy necessary for mankind to make the huge leap in consciousness that we are in the hopes of creating on our Planet.

Let us help her in any way we possibly can, whether that be through our powerful prayer(energy) work, by making a monthly financial donation, or even if it’s just to purchase one or both of her books (for the price of a pizza!), so that her work continues to flourish and prosper. I guarantee her books will alter your entire perspective on life.


“The Lord gives and the Lord takes away… What does this mean? It means I give you something and then I present you with the opportunity of sharing it with another, thus you could say I take it away. But I do this to give you the experience of giving which is a wonderful and rewarding experience . And when you experience giving the way I do, in other words without trepidation, then you will receive more from me, and more opportunities will arise for you to give it away. I don’t expect you to give it all away, but keep what you need and give away the rest, for always more shall follow. Thus there will always be enough for everyone.”

Tomorrow – Monday the 21st – is the Super Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse which centers of these very energies – of forming bonding and loving relationships, and this means loving your neighbor, unconditionally – the Way Jesus Loves!

A reminder also that tomorrow we are hosting our Super Full Moon & Eclipse Workshop where we will be once again assist each other and our precious Planet in clearing away the dross and anchoring in the energies of pure unconditional Divine Love.
We will also be building on our Web of Light through the Ascension Flame Ceremony held at the end of our Workshop. Please do join us! If you can’t make it to the live workshop, you will still receive all the benefits of the energy. Please CLICK HERE to REGISTER.

May World Harmony, Peace, Love & Compassion reign SUPREME in the Heart of Mankind!

Blessed BE Beloveds!



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