Beloved Readers,

Oh wow what a journey July has been! So much releasing of the old to make way for the new. It seems like this is to be a continual pattern over the next couple years, at least until the end of 2021 anyway – the culmination of a 9 year cycle. The great news is that we are getting there! And this is great is it not? We are reaching for the Stars so to speak, and they get closer every minute!!

Workshop Feedback

Okay so I wanted to give you feedback on our workshop held in July, which was super powerful because of the Eclipses. Daniela led us through an activation of the new Emerald codes of Light within our Cosmic Heart, with the assistance of Lord Sananda and Master Kuthumi. This was super powerful and enjoyed by all, and then I facilitated a Pillar of Light meditation and the Ascension Chair ceremony which was slightly different than before and most enjoyed.

The recordings are available on our webpage here: July Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.

We are hosting a Soul Chat on Thursday the 1st August and everyone who wishes to attend is invited. There is no cost, The purpose is basically so that we can catch up with each other and share our experiences. The invitation is below if you wish to attend:

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting:
Topic: Soul Chat
Time: Aug 1, 2019 04:00 PM Harare, Pretoria
One tap mobile +16465588656,,4784492702# US (New York) +17207072699,4784492702#
US Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 720 707 2699
US Meeting ID: 478 449 2702
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Energy Update

It has been pointed out to me by Michael that we are now at a point where we are having to choose in which frequency we wish to abide. This is also teaching us to be present and to take note of our FEELINGS as it is our feelings that produce thoughts that are in alignment with our state of being (not the other way round!).

We have a physical body which acts as our clothing, an emotional body which governs our emotions and FEELINGS, a mental body which produces our creative THOUGHT, and an etheric body which houses our memories. Because it is almost impossible for most people to bring their lower mental body into alignment with their higher mental body, it has been suggested that we try another approach by focusing on our FEELINGS rather than trying to control the random thoughts floating through our mind.

So basically this is what it means:

By elevating your feeling body (emotional body) through choosing to feel something that vibrates at a higher frequency, for instance choosing to feel joyful rather than sad, you will not only reprogram your feeling body, but also raise the frequency of your mental body.

We know that 98% of the thoughts that pop up in our mind is not our own. We’re like gigantic radio antennae attracting waves of thought based on the level of frequency we are holding at any one point in time. These thoughts can be perceived as mere suggestions, because they do not belong to us. They are coming from a collective mindstream of thoughts and thought patterns. But most people take them personally and end up allowing these thoughts to drag them into lower frequency.

We can circumvent this by purposefully elevating our feelings through intent, which will then elevate our frequency and attract those suggestive thoughts that are more in alignment with the rest of us as a Whole. We still don’t have to ‘buy’ into these thoughts, but at least they will no longer be dragging us into lower frequency.

Hopefully this will prevent the yo-yo scenario which some of us are still trying to overcome.

So this is our ‘lesson’ for now in controlling our energy, and be-coming conscious co-creators! We will be discussing more in detail in our Soul Talk workshop on Thursday!

I am ever grateful for your love and support on this journey of awakening!

I leave you with love and blessings of a Celestial magnitude!


Deborah Faith

Note: If you would like to share this message, you do so with our blessing, but please do not change anything. We ask also that you please include the following links:

Ask Archangel Michael

Angel Card Readings

Trinity Of Blessings Attunement