Dear Readers,

I would like to share a message I received from Michael last night. I was pondering a question a friend asked me yesterday, “What do you do when you feel resistance?”

You let go. You recognize that it is a part of  you that is still based in its reality of illusion. It is not truly a part of  you because essentially you are love. Remember that LOVE is the antidote to illusion. Loves quells fear and dissipates everything that is not love.

Beloved Michael Speaks
“When you understand how essential it is to qualify your energy with love, with the codes of FREEDOM, and how damaging it is to qualify your energy with less than that which is loving, you will take the utmost of care with your precious energy field.

At this stage in your awakening it is quintessential to maintain equilibrium in your energy field.

Learn to let go. Learn to realize “it doesn’t matter.” Not in the Light of where you are currently at, or to what you are moving towards, not if you wish to become the Light Bearers of Love’s Freedom Flame that you are so looking towards becoming in the near future of your time-based reality.

Those of you who now stand on the threshold of a new level of awakening consciousness would best be served by adopting an attitude of placitude or placidity.  Your being is in need of calm waters now as it let goes of all that which has in your past created stormy seas.

In that placidity you will re-attune yourselves to the “Call Home” – an energy signal that is being transmitted to you now. This energy is aligning you to re-member yourself, and enhancing your senses and re-awakening your gifts.”

Equinox Energy Symptoms
The powerful Equinox energy is being felt very strongly right now. Some of you may resonate with the following physical symptoms as you begin to align with it, which for me manifest from about 4pm in the afternoons, and I have to take it easy, lie down, listen to a few meditations and just simply go within to receive the support from  my Family of Light.

Note that the symptoms experienced are as a result of the resolution of all that is out of alignment with this energy.

You may experience a very sensitive scalp, both on the left and right sides of your brain, tenderness in your shoulders, shoulder blades, your back muscles, and all over your body, also extreme fatigue and sleeplessness.  These symptoms do not last long, about 6 hours give or take, and should not be reacted to with fear. This will only create resistance and make them worse and thus last longer.

Please do adequate stretching exercises and drink lots of pure water to help the energy assimilate. Eating a light meal works for me as anything heavy in the evenings just gives me the classic Buddha belly and causes me to feel extremely uncomfortable and heavy, and also nauseous sometimes.

Solara An Ra has uploaded an awesome video on YouTube with her Pleiadian guides to help us attune to the Equinox energy There is also an activation given by Alcyone herself which is AWESOME!.

Quick feedback on our Full Moon Workshop
The Workshop last Saturday went extremely well and we had great fun with the blessing part! There was so much joy in the air!  The energy was felt by all. The recording is available for $11 and includes the PDF eBook of Notes. You will also be sent the link to the video recording on ZOOM cloud if you wish to watch that also.
Please click on the link or image below to order.

We wish  you a most magickal Equinox experience!

Infinite Love and Blessings!

~ Deborah Faith

Purchase Full Moon Workshop Recording $11