Well for starters we’re on a virtual roller coaster ride….just in case you haven’t noticed.😀 Chances are you have noticed and are feeling the intense incoming frequency of light in a very physical way as much of what has been harbored in this and previous timelines is being cleared.
This is being felt in a huge way physically for most people. Ear pain, sinus clogging, running noses, mild headaches, neck and shoulder pain, jaw pain, dizzyness, vertigo, stomach disorders such as bloating and mild nausea are just some of the symptoms being felt in this upgrade happening now in the last few pivotal months of 2022.
This is a spiritual detox you may call it which is resulting in a physical detox as your Adam Kadmon Body gets reinstated to bring your physical body into greater alignment with its original divine blueprint.
The Adam Kadmon Body of light was the body you had before mankind decended into its more animalistic form at the end of the last golden age.
The alignments taking place now will continue to bring on board the DNA template that was disconnected at that time.
The most important thing is to stay out of fear. Remember no one and nothing has any power over you, lest you give it power. What you focus on is what you experience. Your now moment holds the creative intent of your tomorrow.
Coming together as one unity consciousness on both the inner and outer planes is what is most advantageous right now. Aligning with the higher divine will for the highest good of all is what matters. Realising that change is happening and can’t be halted for it has been decreed that Earth will ascend and so will all of those who are of one mind.
We cannot put enough emphasis on the importance of being out in nature. We are intricately connected with nature in every way shape and form. We – in all forms of life – are intricately woven together in the Web of creation. We are all in this expansion together. Learn from the animals, from the innocents, the children, turn your attention to the trees, the changing seasons and how they serve you. Look at the tides and the moon cycles, and learn from their ability to flow and be flexible. A single drop of water has little power, but collectively water holds massive power. There is much to be learned from nature.
So sit tight…. fasten your seat belt! Be at peace and in peace… This is indeed an exciting new time and opportunity for substantial growth on the inner and outer planes. Continue to build your portals of light. Think positive thoughts and pivot any negative thoughts that may from time to time seek to take you out of alignment with your truth.
We leave you with our blessing, our unconditional love and undivided attention. We love you more than we can put into mere words. We ARE you!
We speak as One Voice.
~ Deborah Faith 💗
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay