Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
All inter – galactic races including those on planet Earth are in the “game of life”. As you know there is nothing (no thing) outside of you and therefore everything you perceive outside of you is also in the “game”. They are also creators of a reality in which they have chosen to have their being.
As you know also, many of these races (civilizations) have moved into more loving and therefore higher state of being and are operating in forms of light and living in a heart – based reality. There are also those who have not, and similar to most Earthlings, are still moving in a 3d(material world) fear-based reality and living in dense physical forms even though they have advanced sciences and have produced amazing breakthrough’s in technology. They have not yet discarded their “power over others” agenda. They too have free will and will in time perhaps “change their minds” about the type of civilization they wish to be-come.
From time to time a race is given a special dispensation issued from the Divine Director – God Source Itself – in answer to a cries of help, and when this happens, other more advanced and enlightened races will step in and assist those beings in the raising of their vibratory field so that a new era can be born and the whole planet moved into a more advanced, loving and enlightened state of being.
There are always opportunities being given to all planetary races to advance their states of being. [The “get of of jail” card comes to mind here as in the Earth game of Monopoly]. Some of these opportunities are ignored and at other times they are embraced. It all depends on whether that race is ready to make the shift or not.
However, change is an ever constant. Energy is always shifting, moving, expanding towards becoming more of itself. Love produces more love etc.
In reality there is only Pure Love and Love is the Source of ALL. This is the God Source that you have come to know and feel in your heart. There is no fear at this level of realization. None whatsoever. Angels work at this level and in direct service to the Divine Will.
One thing of which you can be assured is this: You are never alone!
~ Wisdom of the I AM
Received through Deborah Faith
Received intuitive guidance from the Angelic Realm –
Receive energy healing –