by Deborah | Jun 14, 2023 | Higher Self, Higher Self/Soul, I AM Presence, Manifesting Abundance, One Voice, Point of Power, The I AM That I AM, The Power of the I AM Presence, Time, Wisdom of the I AM, Your Core Power
Photo credit Image by 18121281 from Pixabay It is important to note here that the 3d playing field is one that is steeped in this thing you call “time” and also “space”. Both of these things as you know are illusion but both are necessary in the game. The greatest...
by Deborah | Jan 23, 2023 | Ascension, Conscious Creation, Creating and manifesting, I AM Presence, One Voice, Oneness, The I AM That I AM, The Power of the I AM Presence, Time, Wisdom of the I AM
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay A while back in the ethers of time and space you were One consciousness. Just floating through space reveling in the absolute love of just being… and basking in the complete-ness of this natural (Nature) state. Then you began to...
by Deborah | Oct 5, 2022 | Archangels, Ascension, Channeled messages, One Voice, The I AM That I AM, Wisdom and Power
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay All inter – galactic races including those on planet Earth are in the “game of life”. As you know there is nothing (no thing) outside of you and therefore everything you perceive outside of you is also in the...
by Deborah | Sep 5, 2022 | Ascension, Conscious Creation, One Voice, Oneness, Peace, Unity Consciousness
Well for starters we’re on a virtual roller coaster ride….just in case you haven’t noticed.😀 Chances are you have noticed and are feeling the intense incoming frequency of light in a very physical way as much of what has been harbored in this and...
by Deborah | Mar 1, 2022 | Angel Messages, Archangel Michael Card Readings, Channeled messages, Freedom, Guidance from the Angels, One Voice, Oneness, Peace, Relationships, Wisdom and Power
I was guided to pull 3 cards last night as I was asking the question above. Early this morning I received messages on each card and how they all integrate and provide guidance on what is happening now on Earth. Have Courage – what is happening is CHANGE. Not just...
by Deborah | Feb 8, 2022 | Archangel Michael Card Readings, Guidance from the Angels, Love, One Voice
Dear Heart, I am honored to act as your guide in this moment in time. As guided by me, my channel has pulled 3 cards from her oracle deck in order to bring across this message with as much clarity as possible: The first is “You created this situation and you have the...