by Deborah | Sep 9, 2018 | Ascension, Channeled messages, Energy, Equinox, Higher Self/Soul, One Voice
Take a leap in Faith this Equinox! Beloved Readers, I have been marveling at how REAL home feels to me now, and how real the presence of Michael and even Jeshua feels for me. Jeshua, as you know, crept into my heart… They’re not called ‘The Brotherhood’ for...
by Deborah | Aug 19, 2018 | Abundance Consciousness, Ascension, Emerald Green Flame, Energy, Healing, Manifesting Abundance, Meditation, One Voice, Oneness, Workshops
News & Energy Update… FEEDBACK FROM OUR LAST WORKSHOP 15/8 Last Wednesday’s workshop clearing & healing the Altantean and Lemurian trauma was incredibly powerful. We were joined by so many Light Beings who wished to assist us in creating our portal of...
by Deborah | Aug 7, 2018 | Ascension, Channeled messages, Higher Self/Soul, One Voice
Some of you may be of the understanding that the Lionine Guardians of the Gateway, one representing the Past and the other the Future, will only let those pass through their Gateway who have mastered being in the NOW, the Present, and have let go of their old ways of...
by Deborah | Jul 29, 2018 | Ascension, Channeled messages, Higher Self/Soul, One Voice, Your Core Power
Beloved we have entered a new time cycle since the “Day out of Time” which took place last week on Wednesday. The first day of the Planetary and Galactic New Year on Thursday also signified the opening of the 8.8. Lions Gate portal, in which huge influxes of energy...
by Deborah | Jul 22, 2018 | Energy, One Voice, The Power of Affirmations, The Power of Belief, Workshops
When you opened your eyes this morning did you smile and think, “Oh Lord, thank you for this wonderful new day! I AM so grateful to BE ALIVE! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”. Did you open your arms and lift them heavenward and say, “I accept, I...
by Deborah | Jun 24, 2018 | Ascension, Channeled messages, Divine Feminine and Masculine, One Voice
Dear Readers, Our Solstice Transmission was a joy-filled event and we had a great time with the Angels! Archangel Michael led us in a guided meditation to cut us free from our fears using his blue flamed sword of Truth, which serves to sever from our energy fields all...