by Deborah | Jun 10, 2018 | Ascension, Channeled messages, One Voice, Workshops
First contact is imminent. But first contact can only happen once disclosure has taken place. This is what my guides are telling me. Critical mass will provide the propulsion for this to happen on a global level. My guides explain what this means in more detail. The...
by Deborah | Jun 3, 2018 | Abundance Consciousness, Conscious Creation, Divine Love, Higher Self/Soul, Love, Manifesting Abundance, One Voice
Sunday Message ~ Become Cognizant of the Law of Love One could say that God is addicted to Love because it is through Love, and the expression thereof through your consistent blessing and outpouring of Love to everything and everyone, that God’s and your desires are...
by Deborah | May 27, 2018 | Abundance Consciousness, Ascension, Conscious Creation, Creating and manifesting, Manifesting Abundance, One Voice
Sunday Musings ~ Into The Heart of CamelotA couple years back when I was still living in Mexico, and I was new to energy work, Michael and I used to play a silly game whenever I found myself feeling ‘left out in the cold’ meaning anxious, worried, fearful etc.I would...
by Deborah | May 15, 2018 | Ascension, Channeled messages, One Voice
Dear Beloved Souls,We are all of the same origin, we all come from the same Source, the same God parents, intricately woven from the same cloth, into the same tapestry of life. It doesn’t matter if we’re Latvian, Asian, African, European or American, or...
by Deborah | Apr 17, 2018 | Archangels, One Voice
Dear Readers,I found this Image courtesy of Pixabay. The Heart is like this little chapel, filled with the warmth of the Light in an otherwise cold and unrelenting world.I have just completed an email channeling for a precious Soul and I am so overfilled, overflowing...
by Deborah | Mar 18, 2018 | Ascension, Channeled messages, Higher Self/Soul, Intuition, One Voice, Oneness, Your Core Power
Dear Readers, I asked for a message today that will set our minds at rest over the huge changes that are currently unfolding all over the Planet. This is the message I received: You are currently experiencing the most powerful influx of the Diamond Light codes ever....