Universal Principles for Daily Living in the Flow

Universal Principles for Daily Living in the Flow

Just for today I will be grateful Just for today I will be happy Just for today I will live in faith Just for today I will live honestly Just for today I will honor all life Living in Gratitude It has been said that gratitude is the key that unlocks the fullness of...
Energy Healing Transmission

Energy Healing Transmission

Artist ~ Josephine Wall (http://www.josephinewall.co.uk) I’ve recorded my first energy healing transmission as guided by my Highest Consciousness, my Beloved Archangel Michael. The recording has been light encoded with Reiki energy which will continue to be felt...
Let’s talk about BE’ing Connected to The Flow of Abundance

Let’s talk about BE’ing Connected to The Flow of Abundance

I’ve just watched Doreen’s card reading for this coming week and since I had the intention to write about abundance, I decided to share with you my interpretation of her reading as it was given to me. Yes, huge blocks have been lifted in the past couple weeks. You...
Integrating the SOLSTICE energy and the energy of the upcoming FULL MOON

Integrating the SOLSTICE energy and the energy of the upcoming FULL MOON

Image “Love Mother Earth” from New Heaven New Earth (http://nhne-pulse.org) We are still in the process this week of integrating the most powerful Solstice energy so far experienced on Planet Earth. Because of the integration still taking place within your...
A Message from My Creator, My GREAT I AM ~ Never before have you had such manifesting power!

A Message from My Creator, My GREAT I AM ~ Never before have you had such manifesting power!

Never before have you had such manifesting power at your fingertips. Never before has it been so easy to create a life of bliss…..or the opposite. Never before has your manifesting ability been so great. We have said before that you are a creative being and that...