by Deborah | Jan 23, 2023 | Ascension, Conscious Creation, Creating and manifesting, I AM Presence, One Voice, Oneness, The I AM That I AM, The Power of the I AM Presence, Time, Wisdom of the I AM
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay A while back in the ethers of time and space you were One consciousness. Just floating through space reveling in the absolute love of just being… and basking in the complete-ness of this natural (Nature) state. Then you began to...
by Deborah | Sep 5, 2022 | Ascension, Conscious Creation, One Voice, Oneness, Peace, Unity Consciousness
Well for starters we’re on a virtual roller coaster ride….just in case you haven’t noticed.😀 Chances are you have noticed and are feeling the intense incoming frequency of light in a very physical way as much of what has been harbored in this and...
by Deborah | Apr 23, 2022 | Ascension, Healing, Higher Self, Higher Self/Soul, I AM Presence, Oneness, Peace, The I AM That I AM, The Power of the I AM Presence, Unity Consciousness, Your Core Power
I AM connected to Infinite Source at all times. I AM always supported, loved and cherished. I AM always in IT’S divine focus, I only have to focus my attention on IT in order to become aware of IT. IT’S radiant light heals me and clears me of all the...
by Deborah | Mar 1, 2022 | Angel Messages, Archangel Michael Card Readings, Channeled messages, Freedom, Guidance from the Angels, One Voice, Oneness, Peace, Relationships, Wisdom and Power
I was guided to pull 3 cards last night as I was asking the question above. Early this morning I received messages on each card and how they all integrate and provide guidance on what is happening now on Earth. Have Courage – what is happening is CHANGE. Not just...
by Deborah | Oct 11, 2021 | Guidance from the Angels, Higher Self, One Voice, Oneness, The I AM That I AM, The Power of the I AM Presence
What does this mean? I was asked this question the other day by a young man. I like the word ‘whisper’ used here in this image because this is true in my experience. Also the word ‘Cosmos’ is interchangeable with the word ‘God’ which in my experience is Infinite Love....
by Deborah | Dec 8, 2020 | Ascension, Goddess Oracle Readings, Oneness, Oracle Card Readings
“Take My Sword, Cut Your Cords, Set Yourself Free, My Arms Await You, Run To Me, I AM Your Lover, Your Knight in Shining Armor, With Me, You Are, Eternally Free.” A Tall Tale 35 A TALL TALE Key concepts: denial, concealing the truth so you can...