by Deborah | Oct 9, 2018 | Ascension, Divine Feminine and Masculine, Oneness, Rose Pink Flame, The Power of the I AM Presence, Workshops
Beloveds, As we become closer to experiencing Oneness with our I AM Presence, and the Perfected Love of our Creator, it is becoming more and more apparent how in need we are in balancing the energies of the Divine Masculine and Feminine polarity within ourselves and...
by Deborah | Sep 30, 2018 | Ascension, Channeled messages, Higher Self/Soul, Oneness, Peace, The I AM That I AM, Your Core Power
Dear Readers, The I AM That I AM in me, comes forth to remind me/us of the bigger picture at hand… “There are levels of Mastery that can only be attained at this physical level of existence in which you and I find ourselves at present. There comes a time,...
by Deborah | Sep 24, 2018 | Equinox, Workshops
Beloveds, I do hope you all enjoyed the energies of the Equinox on Saturday/Sunday. Once again we had a wonderful clearing and uplifting experience during our Workshop last Friday, on the 21st September. Archangel Michael delivered the 2nd part of his meditation...
by Deborah | Aug 12, 2018 | Conscious Creation, Oneness, The Power of the I AM Presence
Beloveds, isn’t LIFE magical? Life really is meant to be magical! We just get so bogged down by ‘what is’ around us that we fail to see the magic inside of us. We fail to see the whole picture because we get stuck in our minds and forget we have hearts…...
by Deborah | Jul 29, 2018 | Ascension, Channeled messages, Higher Self/Soul, One Voice, Your Core Power
Beloved we have entered a new time cycle since the “Day out of Time” which took place last week on Wednesday. The first day of the Planetary and Galactic New Year on Thursday also signified the opening of the 8.8. Lions Gate portal, in which huge influxes of energy...