by Deborah | Jan 28, 2018 | Archangels, Channeled messages, Faith, Joy, Love, One Voice, Oneness, Peace, powerful Affirmations, The Power of Affirmations
Dear Readers, Last night as I lay in my bed, the almost full moon peeked through my open windows and shone her brilliantly clear bright light into my bedroom. I’m already feeling the effects of her loving Light and the effect of the upcoming eclipse. Whilst the...
by Deborah | Nov 10, 2017 | Channeled messages, One Voice, Your Core Power
The 11.11 Gateway is upon us Dear Ones and the Earth is being flooded now as we speak, with the most powerful Blue Diamond Fire Light Coded energy emanating from Source ever to be received upon the Earth plane. These powerful Fire Codes of Light are going deep and...
by Deborah | Sep 7, 2017 | Ascension, Channeled messages, Conscious Creation, One Voice, Oneness
Image sourced from Pixabay I wasn’t sure whether to write this blog or not…but then one of my readers sent me such a beautiful email earlier today that helped me to regain my confidence, and my balance. Thank you Lumanthra! Things are hotting up! To put it mildly… So...
by Deborah | Jul 17, 2017 | Abundance Consciousness, Conscious Creation, Creating and manifesting, Divine Love, Joy, Love, Manifesting Abundance, Peace
We had a wonderful and successful Fellowship Ring this past Saturday on the subject of Abundance. The call lasted almost 2 hours and I’m sure we could have spoken for much longer on this subject. The message on Abundance is a simple one, and one that we are all...
by Deborah | Jul 14, 2017 | Abundance Consciousness, Ascension, Manifesting Abundance
Tomorrow’s Fellowship Ring is ALL about MANIFESTING! Some people, myself included, have been feeling the pinch as far as manifesting money goes. I keep arguing with my Higher Self and telling him that he doesn’t understand how difficult it’s been lately to manifest...