by Deborah | Jan 2, 2017 | Ascension, Conscious Creation, Creating and manifesting, Energy, Higher Self/Soul, One Voice, Peace, Your Core Power
In this Magical Year of 2017 we reach for the Stars! Welcome 2017! In this year of New Beginnings we reach for the Stars from whence we came and begin experiencing ourselves AS LOVE once again! So in this magical New Year of 2017 a whole new playing ground will be...
by Deborah | Dec 12, 2016 | Ascension, Divine Love, Dreams, Higher Self/Soul, Love, Time
The Eagle has landed! What could his message be? “The Eagle portends great change in the air, a twist in the tale or a bend in the River called Life”, but what surprise awaits us as we approach this great bend? Will there be more rapids, or will the river become as...
by Deborah | Nov 11, 2016 | Ascension, Channeled messages, Conscious Creation, Divine Love, Faith, Gratitude, Healing, Higher Self/Soul, Joy, Love, Meditation, One Voice, Oneness, Peace, Raising Consciousness, Relationships
♥ Meditation to Heal Relationship with the Self and Planet as a Whole Entity ♥ Greetings everyone! I received a message the other day from my Beloved Higher Self offering me a powerful clearing...
by Deborah | Oct 7, 2016 | Channeled messages, Ego, Higher Self/Soul, Meditation, One Voice
Many people on a journey of transformation have difficulty maintaining Mind / Body balance and therefore experience resistance to the changes occurring within them. Resistance most often is felt within the physical body as pain and discomfort. This is the physical...
by Deborah | Sep 23, 2016 | My Light Body experiences, Twin Flames
Image ~ “Baby learning to walk cotton laced shoes” from I had another light body experience early this morning! I felt myself become light-er and lifting off my bed and trying to stand upright. Someone behind me was helping me and held...