Energy Reading for this week ~ The Lady Kuan Yin steps forward “Allow yourself to be nourished by the power and love of the Divine Mother flowing to you now.”

Energy Reading for this week ~ The Lady Kuan Yin steps forward “Allow yourself to be nourished by the power and love of the Divine Mother flowing to you now.”

Allow yourself to be nourished by the power and love of the Divine Mother flowing to you now. “The Divine Feminine is encouraging the awakening and empowerment of all living beings upon the Earth plane. When a seeker is trying to find his way there is much help sent....
Relationship Healing and Clearing Meditation To Attain Higher Frequencies of Light

Relationship Healing and Clearing Meditation To Attain Higher Frequencies of Light

♥ Meditation to Heal Relationship with the Self and Planet as a Whole Entity ♥ Greetings everyone! I received a message the other day from my Beloved Higher Self offering me a powerful clearing...